ACEA releases state-of-the-art recommendations for vehicle automation – ACEA
With the start of the new EU mandate, the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) is proud to announce its #FutureDriven recommendations on automated driving, showcasing an ambitious roadmap for the development of this key technology.
With the European automotive industry’s investments in automated vehicles starting to yield results, we have an ambitious vision for the future and created a concrete set of recommendations across the entire research, development, and deployment stages of the automated automotive sector.
The recommendations we have made in this publication are also accompanied by concrete forecasts regarding the near future of automated driving, broken down into specific applications, in the short-to-medium-term.
“We are one of the first industries to advance so far in the development and testing of automation in our products, and we have a lot to be proud of in terms of what we’ve accomplished” highlighted Pierre Millette, ACEA’s Chief Technology Officer. “Our roadmap not only shows automation in practice today, but concrete timelines for future deployment of vital technology driving European competitiveness”.
Covering six key areas that would ensure the successful deployment of automated vehicles in Europe, we highlight the need to:
- Reinforce the innovative capabilities of European companies and streamline legislation into unified EU standards
- Upgrade, adapt, and reinforce infrastructure and legislation to ensure road safety and the comfort of our drivers and passengers
- Update approval schemes and expand the number of automated vehicle applications allowed in the European Union
- Develop a robust funding scheme for automated passenger and freight services
- Ensure that Commercial vehicle drivers and operators are protected by labour regulations
- Ensure that this technology becomes accessible and inclusive to the wider public, and supports future drivers and passengers
All of which is complemented by the ACEA automation roadmap showing the timeline for all use cases in the automotive industry heading into 2030 and beyond. These are the efforts that will drive a green, smart, and competitive Europe into the future.
You can consult the full report here:
With the European automotive industry’s investments in automated vehicles starting to yield results, we have an ambitious vision for the future and created a concrete set of recommendations across the entire research, development, and deployment stages of the automated automotive sector.
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